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Anne Blake photoAnne's interest in art has existed for as long as she can recall but her introduction to porcelain painting came in the early 1990s when she joined a class run by Frances Caird. She later went on to be taught by Judith Standing. Both teachers provided Anne with much inspiration and knowledge, for which she remains extremely grateful.


The opportunity to both live and travel in remote outback regions of northern Australia influenced her work greatly, providing an appreciation of Australian flora and fauna. In addition, many years spent scuba diving with the Underwater Explorers Club of WA introduced her to the marine environment off the WA coastline. This experience provided much inspiration and Anne continues to incorporate local reef fish into her underwater designs.


Exhibiting mainly in Western Australia, Anne has been the recipient of several trophies and awards from the Perth Royal Show, the Porcelain Artists of Western Australia (formerly the WA Guild of China Painters) and local agricultural shows. A past president and life member of the Porcelain Artists of WA. Anne regularly participates in porcelain art events, teaches workshops and judges at local shows.


In 2014 together with Kaye MacLean, Anne co-authored and published the book 'Golden Reflections - A Celebration of 50 Years'. The book traces the origins of china painting in Western Australia and the WA Guild of China Painters from its inception in 1964 until 2014.


Visit Anne's website www.anneblake.com



Around the Reef Plate by Anne Blake


Redback spider pieces by Anne Blake

Shown above paintings by Anne Blake
top:   'Around the Reef' oblong plate

bottom: 'Redback Spider' vase and box


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